Sunday, June 15, 2008

Integrity in Communications

The Psalmists asks in Psalm 15 - - Who may dwell in your sanctuary? . . . who keeps his oath even when it hurts (v.4).

This is not an article that seeks to conform everyone to a single communicaiton profile. This is an article calling people who are leaders at various levels in the body of Christ to honor Him. Let me elaborate for just a moment.

If your Voice Mail message tells the caller that you will call them back and you do not, you have just lied. You are not obligated to return calls unless - - you tell the caller you will. If you tell the caller you will, then you must or you bring shame to the LORD you claim to serve. Further, most callers are not served in any meaningful way by a return call 9 days later! Another stinker is your secretary asking if she can transfer the call to your Vocie Mail. The caller then hears a message that says - - 'Sorry, this message box is full'. How many months has it been since this task was completed? Further, what does this say about you as a Leader?

Leadership is largely a matter of trust. Failure to honor communication protocol is a violation of trust and thus a significant detriment to your ability to lead. If your Voice Mail message tells the caller you will return their call then do it. Do it within 3 hours. If you do not intend to respond to emails in any timely manner, send those who serve with you a message telling them that you simply do not correspond via email. What you cannot do is keep people hanging. They don't know if you received their message. They don't know if you did receive it but are not willing to respond for whatever reason. They don't know if you died!

Bottom line is this. Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes'. Have a communication protocol that honors Christ and abide by the parameters you used to shape that profile. If you do not return calls, put that on your Voice Mail message. At least the caller knows what to expect. Ministry will be much more satisfying if everyone has and applies good ethics in the realm of communicaitons.

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